Inilah Desa Paling Dingin di Dunia, Suhunya Bisa Mencapai -89 Derajat Celcius

Titik terdingin di dunia memang berada di belahan atas dan bawah bumi. Belahan atas, Kutub Utara atau Benua Arktik diselimuti udara dingin ekstrem dengan suhu mencapai minus 68 derajat Celcius. Belahan bawah, Kutub Selatan atau Benua Antartika dikerubungi suhu ekstrem mencapai minus 89 derajat Celcius. Brrrr!

Tapi siapa sangka, ternyata ada juga titik terdingin di tempat lain. Tepatnya di Desa Oymyakon, Rusia. Desa ini disebut sebagai desa terdingin di dunia. Sebab temperaturnya mencapai minus 71,2 derajat Celcius, dengan suhu rata-rata sebesar minus 50 derajat Celcius.

Suhu tersebut tercatat sebagai suhu terendah yang pernah terjadi di suatu lokasi pemukiman di bumi. Juga yang terdingin yang pernah terjadi di belahan bumi Utara.

Desa itu, seperti dimuat Dailymail, berada di sekitar 750 meter di atas permukaan air laut, yang berarti durasi dalam sehari bervariasi, tiga jam di musim dingin bulan Desember hingga 21 jam pada musim panas.

Meski demikian, ada sekitar 500 orang yang menetap dan betah tinggai di Desa Oymyakon. Sebagian besar bekerja sebagai penggembala rusa, pemburu, dan pemancing es.

Kata Oymyakon sendiri dalam bahasa lokal bermakna "air yang tak bisa membeku". Sangat berlawanan dengan keadaannya, yang tentu airnya selalu membeku.

Sebagian besar penduduk di Oymyakon sangat mengandalkan batubara dan kayu, untuk dibakar dan menghangatkan tubuh mereka. Masih jarang warga yang memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi modern.

Saking dinginnya, tak ada tumbuh-tumbuhan yang bisa hidup di Oymykakon. Untuk mengisi tenaga dan menjalani aktivitas sehari-hari, masyarakat makan daging rusa dan kuda. Yang unik, cuma ada 1 toko yang bisa mereka datangi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan.

Mereka juga tidak ada yang makan sayur, tapi tetap sehat. Dokter menyebut, meski jarang makan sayur dan buah, penduduk Oymyakon tak akan kekurangan gizi, karena susu sapi dikonsumsi sangat kaya akan mikronutrien.

Untuk urusan pendidikan, mereka terpaksa harus sekolah dengan jangka waktu 1 masa studi yang tidak cukup lama. Sebab, acapkali temperatur anjlok sampai minus 52 derajat Celcius, sekolah ditutup.

Belum sampai di situ, proses pemakaman warga setempat mengalami kesulitan, karena tanah yang kerap membeku sulit untuk digali. Alhasil, butuh waktu 3 hari untuk memasukkan peti jenazah ke liang tanah.

The 'Pole of Cold': The average temperature for January in the Russian village of Oymyakon is -50C, with -71.2C the lowest ever recorded temperature

     Frost bite: Traffic lights are covered in snow and ice in the village which is the coldest permanently inhabited settlement in the world

Icy load: Ruslan, 35, loads blocks of ice onto a truck outside Yakutsk in the valley where nothing grows so people eat reindeer and horsemeat 

Alone in the ice: A lone man walks across a courtyard in the village, home to around 500 people, which was, in the 1920s and 1930s, a stopover for reindeer herders who would water their flocks from the thermal spring 

Winter mooring: Ships moored on the banks of the river, where ironically, Oymyakon actually means 'non-freezing water' due to a nearby hot spring

Treacherous drive: A car drives through the snow at night near Vostochnaya meteorological station where locals are said to leave their cars running all day for fear of not being able to restart them 

Heavy cover: The houses in the village of Tomtor in the Oymyakon valley where most homes still burn coal and wood to heat and enjoy few modern conveniences

Winter washing: Igor Vinokurov, 25, knocks the snow and ice off washing frozen on the washing line in the Oymyakon valley where locals are acclimatised to the weather unlike any other country 

Deadly dive: Alexander Gubin, 43, prepares to dive into the frozen Labynkyr Lake, some 62 miles south from the Omyakon valley

Ice maiden: Ice sculptures on the Lena river, created for the Orthodox Epiphany celebration in the valley where daily living problems include pen ink freezing, glasses freezing to people's faces and batteries losing power 

Hard day's work: Lumberjacks Alexey Egorov, 45, and Semion Vinokurov, 53, cut down a tree in the forest outside the village of Tomtor in the valley

Sustenance: Lumberjacks Alexey Egorov, 45, and Semion VInokurov, 53, (left to right) lunch in the cabin of their truck in forest outside Tomtor. Doctors say locals don't suffer from malnutrition is that their animals' milk contains a lot of micronutrients 

Friendly fire: A dog lies on wood shavings near a woodstack in the valley where coal deliveries are irregular forcing the power station to start burning wood

Snow-capped town: The village of Tomtor, the village that is the coldest permanently inhabited settlement in the world 

Nomadic no more: Smoke rises from houses as residents try to keep warm in the depths of winter where, in the 1920s and 1930s, it was a stopover for reindeer herders until the Soviet government made the site permanent in efforts to settle nomadic people

Wintry weather: Meteorologist Sergei Burtsev, 41, prepares to launch a weather balloon to record the temperatures where the length of a day varies from 3 hours in December to 21 hours in the summer 

Warm inside: Nikolay Vinokurova, 7, and his sister Vera, 9, have lunch at their grandmother's house in the valley where the solitary school only shuts if temperatures fall below -52C 

Yakutsk Village of Oymyakon

                    An East Siberian Laika puppy

                     A young East Siberian Laika in Oymyakon

Farmer Nikolai Petrovich waters his cows 

Cows walk back to their sheds after watering in the Oymyakon thermal spring

Oymakon village at dawn with a plume of smoke rising from the heating plant

 Alexander Platonov

         A young student poses for a portrait at a bus station in Yakutsk

A petrol station on the road to Oymyakon  


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